Disclaimer web designer photographer | Photo: Sander de Wilde


Copyright & affiliate links


Let it be clear: all photos and text on www.jochemoomen.com are my property. This is because both the photos and texts were taken by me. Photos of myself in action were taken by fellow photographer Sander de Wilde. So there is copyright in both my photos and texts. Therefore, it is not allowed to use my photos and texts without permission.

Would you like to share my pages or blogs? Of course, that is always allowed. Would you like to use my texts and/or photos? If so, please contact me.

Furthermore, I do my best to always keep my articles up to date keep. However, developments in photography and web design land sometimes move so fast that information or a link can change quickly. Do you see an imperfection? Feel free to let me know via my contact page!

Affiliate links

Some of my pages and articles contain affiliate links. These are links to external companies that, in my opinion, sell valuable products, such as a plugin, theme or builder. Do you click on such a link and purchase the product? Then I will receive a small commission on that. This costs you nothing extra.

I only use affiliate links of products I personally like. I use these myself and have tested them extensively. I do not offer affiliate links to products I do not endorse myself.

Does a page or article contain an affiliate link? If so, it will be noted in italics at the bottom of the page or article.

Do you have any questions about this? Please feel free to contact me!

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