Portfolio: website Sint-Gillisschool Brussels
Photography and web design elementary school
This is what Sint-Gillisschool says about me:
“I expected a nice, sleek school website to make any, prospective parents feel like visiting the school. Whether these were realized? Yes absolutely! I am very satisfied with the results. What I appreciated most during the collaboration were the brainstorming together, the many tips and the smooth communication.”
“Jochem is an outstanding photographer and is very versed in web design. With smooth communication and planning, he achieves the desired results. And whether I would recommend him to other people? Yes definitely, Jochem works in a very structured and precise manner. He meets deadlines smoothly.”
“I definitely want to continue to see in the future what else Jochem can do for our school.”
– Linda De Dobbeleer, principal @ Sint-Gillisschool