A footer is the bottom part of a website. You can create that with any WordPress theme and builder, including Divi. A great theme, with hundreds of templates. But that footer is not in there, unfortunately. How do you build a footer in Divi? In this article, I share with you a step-by-step plan.
What is a footer?
A quick word in advance: you can actually roughly divide a website into three major pieces. Namely, a header, a body and a footer. The header is the top bar where you encounter the website name, logo and menu. The body is the centerpiece and contains different content for each page. The footer is the bottom part. You often see on websites that headers and footers are the same on every page.
In addition, a footer can consist of two different parts: a main footer and a sub footer. The main footer is the largest section and often contains (additional) info about the site itself. The sub footer is often a short bar at the bottom. There you will see, for example, the copyright symbol, info from the web designer, a company or Chamber of Commerce number and a link to the privacy statement.
The privacy statement, does it really need to be? Read here whether or not you need a privacy statement and cookie banner on your website.
Why is a footer necessary?
I regularly come across websites that don’t even have a footer. Very unfortunate, because what does a mobile user who quickly swipes all the way to the bottom of the page do? Which looks for buttons or links to click on. Are there nothing there? Then you lost your mobile visitor. Do you have a footer with buttons or links? Most likely, your visitor will stay on your website.
Apart from this practicality, a footer can also add aesthetic value: after the body, which contains a fixed structure, you see something else for a moment. This breaks the emerging pattern and may contain a surprise.
What do you put in a footer?
Actually, that’s entirely up to you. You often see the main footer divided into three columns: a column with information about the company, another column with contact options and a column with buttons for people to click through.
The sub footer often contains the legal information: a copyright sign with the company’s name, the year of publication through the current year, a company or Chamber of Commerce number, a VAT number, a link to the privacy statement and sometimes a link to the web designer’s and/or photographer’s website.
Sometimes people place a logo or icon in their footer. It is advisable to optimize the image first before uploading it. Want to know how to optimize an image? Then read how to resize images here.
How to create a footer in Divi?
Want to know how to build a header in Divi? Check out here the step-by-step plan to create a great header in Divi.
Are you ready to fly in? Then follow these steps to create a beautiful footer in Divi!
By the way, Divi is one of my favorite tools. Curious about more? Discover my favorite tools for both web design and photography here.
1. Create global footer
On the left side of your WordPress dashboard, you can see the letter -d of Divi. When you slide your cursor over this, the word “theme builder” appears. Click on this. In this theme builder, you will see “Default Website Theme. This is what you will be working in. Once you click on “add global footer,” you will see several options. Select “building from scratch.
Are you building multiple websites in Divi? Then consider using from Divi Cloud! Find out here what Divi Cloud is and how it works.
2. Create main footer
Divi is a builder that thinks in rows, not blocks. That’s why first you’re going to click on the blue plus, there it says “insert section. Then you can click on a green plus: ‘insert row’. Here you can specify whether you want to work in two, three or more columns. I usually recommend working in two or three columns for the footer. Otherwise it becomes too crowded. Then you can add your content by column here: click on the black pluses for ‘insert module’. Now you can choose whether to insert text, images (such as the logo), social media icons or other items. You can now customize everything as you are used to in the body.
3. Create sub footer
I often recommend creating a sub footer as well. Just to get your legal information into it. Depending on your situation and the country you are based in, there are a number of things that should be in here. You can do this the same way as the main footer: first you add a new section under the main footer, then a row consisting of only one column, and finally the text module. You can type everything next to each other.
4. Publish
Be sure not to hit “publish. If you don’t, you lose your design. And that would be a great pity! After you publish it, you can see your footer on all pages of your website! Overflow be sure that everything is correct!
So the footer is a very important part of your website, you can’t really do without it. So best make a main and a sub footer. This looks aesthetically pleasing and is convenient, giving your website not only literal feet, but also additional opportunities to keep your visitors on your site! Furthermore, it is very convenient to build this in Divi!
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Article updated December 31, 2024.