How do you create a blog in Divi?

24 Mar 2022 | web design

jochem oomen | hoe blog maken in divi | Foto: Sander de Wilde

Divi is a popular WordPress theme and builder that allows you to create almost all types of websites, such as a blog. Because there are so many options, not everyone knows where to start right away. Therefore, in this article you will find an answer to the question “how to create blog in Divi”.

First, a brief word about Divi: this is a product of the American company Elegant Themes. And what makes this special is that this can be both a WordPress theme and builder at the same time. You can also use Divi only as a theme, as well as only as a builder. In this article, I start from the total package: it’s about creating a blog in both theme and builder. The nice thing about this software is that it works very intuitively: you see immediately what the results of your adjustments are, what you see is what you get.

Anyone who creates a website in Divi will also notice that there are a lot of interesting templates in the library. These can be very interesting. If you want to save yourself work, you can pick a template and completely customize it. You can also use it as inspiration to build something new from scratch yourself. This article is for people who would like to start with a blank page.

Want to know how to create a website first? View here the step-by-step plan for creating a website, in Divi or otherwise.

Roadmap for starting a blog in Divi

So if you really want to start from scratch, the possibilities are endless. To make it easy on yourself, I recommend a certain workflow. For example, I would start by creating a template or template for your blog, then you won’t have to redesign your writing appearance every time. It really does save you a super amount of time!

Divi theme and builder is one of my favorite tools. Curious about more? Discover my favorite tools for both web design and photography here.

Step 1: create all posts template

Of course, you want to make sure that all the posts you are going to create are going to look the same in terms of layout. Such a self-made template is called an all posts template in Divi jargon. To get started on that, in the WordPress dashboard, go to the Divi section and select Theme builder. Here you perform the following steps:

  • Click on “add new template.”
  • Select “all posts” in the window.
  • If your header and footer are not automatically in this new template, you can drag them into it from another template.

Wondering how to create a header in Divi? Unfortunately, there are no templates for that in the library. Read here how to create a header from scratch in Divi.

Step 2: design all posts template

Now that you have created the template, you can go ahead and design it. You do this as follows:

  • Click on “custom body.”
  • Choose from “build from scratch” and a blank sheet opens up.
  • Choose the type “row” or row out.
  • Now add the necessary elements, such as “dynamic post title” and “image”. With both elements, you have a lot of options to choose from. For example, you can have the category and date appear with your dynamic title, and the image can be a “featured image.” It’s up to you whether you want the image and title separate or on top of each other.
  • Add a new “row” below that.
  • In the new “row,” choose “post content” as the module.
  • Now go into your post content to set your font, size, spacing, line spacing and color for text and titles. This is also where you determine the size and how the illustrations appear.
  • If you want, you can add “sharing buttons” for social media below your text. I built the sharing buttons you see below all by myself. You can also google existing social media buttons, free or otherwise.
  • Are your readers allowed to comment under your publications? Then add an additional “row” and choose the “comment section” module. By going into the comment section, you discover that you can actually customize everything here.
  • Want to keep your readers on your website longer? Then add another “row” somewhere with the “blog” module. Here you can highlight some of your recent publications. By going into the module, you can choose to have this appear as a “grid.” You can also specify how many blogs you want to show. Do you like your grid? Be sure to save it to your Divi library!

Step 3: test your blog template

Now that you have created a template, any blog you create will be published in the way you set. Test it out with some images and text you have. You can even do that with a lorum ipsum text, which is a Latin text to temporarily fill empty blocks of text. Specifically, you do it as follows:

  • Click on “new” and select “post.”
  • Add your title at “add title” and set a “featured image”. That way you already have some of your content.
  • You will enter the rest of your creation through Divi, click on “Use Divi builder” and select “build from scratch.”
  • Here you can enter your “rows” and modules, such as text, titles and images. You can see right away what it will look like.
  • Publish your blog for an additional check.
  • Is everything okay? Then you can move on to the next step. Is it not okay? Then go back to the Divi builder and further customize your all posts template.

Step 4: create a blog outline

Of course, you also want your blogs to be visible somewhere orderly. If so, you can do so by creating a new page. You do this as follows:

  • Go to “new” and select “page.”
  • Enter your title and in click “Use Divi Builder.”
  • Select “Build from scratch” again, now you are in the Divi builder.
  • Is your title not there yet? Then create a “row” and choose “text” as the module. This allows you to enter your title. You can customize it right away to your liking as well.
  • Need an introductory piece of writing? Then add another “row” a “text”. Paste your text in there and customize the layout via the module.
  • Did you save your blog overview or “grid” from step 2? You can easily bring it out: then under “insert row” or “insert module” click “add from library”. Click on that and your blog overview will appear. If you showed only three blogs in step 2, you can opt to have nine of them appear for this purpose!
  • Didn’t you save it? Then do this step again: add a new “row” with the “blog” module. Here you can highlight some of your recent publications. By going into the module, you can choose to have this appear as a “grid.” You can also specify how many blogs you want to show.
  • Not all blogs in a “grid” may appear the same size. That is a known Divi problem that you can solve by playing with the size of your “excerpt” and “title” or with your “margin” and “padding”. If you still can’t do it, google and you will find a lot of custom code (e.g. CSS) to add to your creation.
  • Satisfied? Publish your page!

There you go, your blog setup in Divi is done and you can start blogging!

And what tip do you have for people who want to blog in Divi?

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